Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Rollyo Rollyo oh dear Rollyo

Well the instuctions looked wonderful go to . scroll down etc then oh no what happened ?where am I ? Rollyo doesnt look so wonderful after all and I have spent a lot of time on this and I have stats that need to be
Initially I thought this would be good for akozone homework centre instead of the kids just using google, but not for me.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Library Thing
Usually I choose my books by author, genre or recommendations from people I meet at work, so this is another option. How often I will get the chance to get into this site I dont know.At the moment I have too many books to read and not enough time. Wouldnt it be nice as one person wrote I didnt have to work

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rosemary - prononciation (PinYin) : lù sī mǎ lí

And more Rosemary:

well what to say about these if your name is different you wont find a chinese equivalent and if you spell your name with a capital or lower case letter your brain scan will be completely different . Why do cat lovers get 3 places where they can generate names and dog lovers get none? Some generators had more interesting names than their contents, lots of time could be spent here looking at all the different generators.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


This was time consuming and at times frustrating. It sounded very helpfull but when I typed in straight forward information I was amazed at some of the 'tacky' things that came up.RSS can be helpful when in the cardio room at the gym with no headphones I can get some idea of what they are talking about on the screen. I suppose the more you use something the better you get but I preferred flickr.

3rd party

I dont have a need to make a Librarian trading card this is for others that enjoy this sort of thing I have other things that I would rather do, spend time with my dogs. Maybe if I was more creative and had more time. It does look good, a lot of the things that people have made or done I like the idea of being able to share photos as much of my family is overseas

American terrier

Dogs, my favourite animal looking at this one I can understand why some people are scared of them because they or some breeds are very powerful looking but they can be very soft too.Flickr had some really good photos . I can see where this could be handy for dog breeders interested in selling pups or mating their pets.